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  • Thursday, May 02, 2024 5:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On May 2 on a partly sunny 65 degree day twelve TOHG members walked the Rocky Woods trails in Milford.  Meeting at 9:45 in the Trustee’s parking lot on Hartford St. Kathy White agreed to lead the walk since she was familiar with the area.  We walked about three miles and covered parts of the Ridge, Cedar Hill, Hardwood Notch, Quarry, and Bridle trails.  

    The wooded trails were rocky in parts but easily hiked.  We passed the warning sign suggesting that the nesting Turkey Vultures might attack as well as the Whale rock formation.  Wildflowers were starting to show up as well as beautiful green ferns in some of the moister areas.

    After the walk we drove to the Blue Moon Cafe in Milford for lunch and sat and chatted for quite a while.  We also welcomed three new members to the gang.

    Meredith P

  • Thursday, May 02, 2024 5:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Perry G, Kimm S, Kenn S, Mike V, Alan U, Sheila P, Kate K (front), Elizabeth B, Matt G, James W 

    The day started off cloudy, cool and breezy as 10 Gang members gathered at Bedford Depot for a 4 1/2 mile bike ride to downtown Concord. Wild crabapple trees were in bloom and everything looked lush and green. Our ride took us past Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge which we would stop at on the return and eventually to downtown Concord where we stopped for coffee and muffins. On the return we made a short detour to The Old North Bridge where we stopped for a photo op before resuming our return trip. 

    Alan U.

  • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 4:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Alan U, Kimm S, Gayle A, Judith L, Sheila P, Mary M, Helgard K

    There’s nothing like a beautiful sunny Spring day for a bike ride!  Seven TOHG members met at Cashman Park in Newburyport along the Merrimack River for a morning of biking followed by coffee, breakfast and camaraderie. 

    The Yankee Clipper Trail is an art lovers delight. All manner of art forms from sculpture to murals to lighting effects and botanical treats adorn the trail as it skirts the river and downtown Newburyport before turning inland. Children’s play areas, swings, benches and more afford diversions to those who want to stop before continuing on. 

    I believe all agreed this is a true gem among bike trails. 

    And of course no TOHG bike ride is complete without stopping for coffee and food before ending our ride. 

    Alan U

  • Monday, April 15, 2024 4:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Helgard K, Beverly C, Patricia T, Alan U, Kenn S, Mary M, Dan Y, Mary W (Kimm S missing from picture as she was running to join group after setting camera timer - oops!)

    Although I think almost any day is a great day for a bike ride, Patriots Day turned out to be spectacular!   Eight Gang members set out on a mild and sunny Spring day and biked about 9 miles round trip on the Londonderry Rail Trail. The trail is straight, flat and paved and we rode through woodland and marsh. There were an abundance of turtles sunning themselves in the ponds and wetlands and we passed a very large beaver lodge on our journey. Reaching the north western edge of the trail at Manchester Boston Regional Airport we watched a Southwest Airlines flight take off while we wondered in which direction the trail will be extended. Hoping it’s sooner rather than later!

    Alan U

  • Monday, April 08, 2024 4:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Daniel Y, Betsy B, Alan U, Gail E, Helgard K, Janet F

    One couldn’t ask for a more beautiful Soring day as half a dozen TOHG members set out for a short bike ride on The Independence Greenway Rail Trail. 

    This was about 6 miles including return on a paved trail that led us through woods, marsh, an active stone quarry and a lovely pond that included monuments to two accused Salem witchcraft victims. Turtles, ducks, Canada geese and a solitary white swan were spotted in the wetlands and pond on our route. 

    And we managed to finish our ride in plenty of time for everyone to make it to their destinations to view the solar eclipse. 

    Alan U

  • Monday, April 01, 2024 4:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Patrick W, Kimm S, Mary McG, Kenn S, Patricia DR, Patricia T, Dan Y, Gayle A, Neal S, Alan U

    It was no April Fools joke as 10 Gang members set out on a partly cloudy morning for our first TOHG bike ride of the season. We started just over the line in Salem NH passing MSPCA Nevins Farm and continuing just over the line into Lawrence for about 4 1/2 miles round trip. 

    Several of us decided after the ride to regroup and ride about 5 miles to Windham Junction, NH. Good warmup for what will hopefully be many more rides this season. 

    Alan U.

  • Saturday, March 30, 2024 4:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thirteen TOHG members and friends participated in the Refuge beach cleanup day.  The sun was out but a breeze made it feel cooler than the 50 degrees on the beach.  After meeting in Lot 1 we carpooled further down the refuge road to an area not open to the public to start picking up man-made debris on the beach.  The area we walked through to reach the beach was a former camp in the 50’s for children with polio.  Only a few cement blocks remain now.

    When we reached the beach area we split up into small groups with some going north and some south.  We agreed to meet back at our access point after about an hour or so.  There was a considerable pile of trash bags left above the high tide mark that the Refuge crew picked up later.  The group then split up to go different ways with some going to Newburyport for lunch and shopping and others heading to the Clam Box in Ipswich.

    When I checked out with the group running the cleanup operation they expressed their  appreciation; and reminded me that they also do another cleanup day in early September and would love to see us come back.

    Meredith P.

  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024 6:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Blue skies and lots of smiles—the 2024 Winter Western ski trip to Schweitzer Mountain Resort in Idaho went off without a hitch with six wonderful days of skiing and great Gang camaraderie!

    For the most part, we stayed up on the mountain, taking full advantage of the fantastic conditions, weather and opportunity to explore a new resort, including finding the oldest tree on the mountain, the Schweitzer Grandfather Tree which is hundreds of years old. We met for happy hours and dinner every night and swapped stories of our day’s adventures. One night, we trekked down to the local hangout, The St. Bernard, for dinner and merriment.

    On Saturday, Pete C, Robert R, and Meredith P took a snowmobile tour of the mountain, while others went into Sandpoint to shop, browse the art galleries and dine. Truly devoted skiers used the opportunity to have an additional day of skiing.

    Keep an eye out for next winter’s Western trip. See you in 2025!

    Nora McK

  • Friday, March 01, 2024 4:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This year the Top of the Hill Gang again returned to Sunday River to celebrate Leap Day and enjoy five days at that beautiful mountain and the delightful Grand Summit Hotel.  Thirty-nine fearless skiers and hikers, including nine first-timers to TOHG, enjoyed great camaraderie, good food, and better than advertised skiing conditions. Although the forecast called for a week of cloudy weather, somehow four of the five days wound up with hours of bluebird skiing.  A brief mid-week warm-up and rain event benched all but the most intrepid skiers on Wednesday.  Apparently several gang members didn’t see (or chose to ignore) the weather report and racked up thousands of feet of drenched downhill skiing over terrain reminiscent of the previous evenings mashed potatoes.  One of our groups logged so many runs that day that they became known as “The Barker Six” in honor of their favorite new lift.   By Thursday the temperatures plunged and the groomers worked their magic to restore the mountain. Not to be outdone by the “Barker Six”, the fearless five “Warriors of Winter” lasted through Friday when the sparkling, frozen hardback (and some ice) made some of the trails “faster than a speeding bullet”.  Our hikers and snow shoe enthusiasts also found some engaging trails during the week.  

    The gang enjoyed an opening night road trip for gourmet pizzas and salad (thanks to Marge) at the Jordan Hotel.  On Tuesday we were treated to an elegant group banquet right at our hotel.Several of our rock enthusiasts raved about their visit to he Maine Mineral & Gem Museum in nearby Bethel on Wednesday.   We also found lots of time during the week for hot tubs, apres ski by the fireplace, a couple of game nights, and intimate dinners with friends new and old.  Folks left looking forward to our annual “week after school vacation” pilgrimage to Sunday River next year.  

    Tom J
    Sunday River Trip Leader

  • Friday, March 01, 2024 3:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Herta B, Joan M, Dibba and  Anker L, Renee K, Judith D, Maureen D

    Twenty six members of the GANG ventured north to Craftsbury, Vt. The weather and trail conditions were great for the beginning of the week. We were able to Cross country ski and  Snow Shoe and took full advantage of the mild weather we were blessed with.

    Paula B. led an Essentrics Class every morning to stretch out our muscles and joints and got us warmed up for the day.  

    Rain on Tuesday night caused many of the trails to be closed on Wednesday but we were not deterred from making the best of it. 

    Craftsbury offered a yoga class Wednesday morning and another Wednesday evening. We also ran our Book Club Wednesday with the help of Polly T. Some of the more adventurous in the group put on their micro spikes and hiked Mt. Hosmer.

    Our evenings were spent socializing and playing games.5 Crowns was the most popular but we also played cribbage and rummy cube. We also set up a small sided pickleball court in the basement and played a few games of pickleball. 

    Maureen D.

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